My Blueprint: Struggle Towards Emotional Sobriety

#289 Acceptance Is The Answer



Welcome to my Podcast! A little bit about me and why I am doing this. Blogging is just not for me. I have listened to a variety of podcasts over the years and I think I can communicate my messages more effective by speaking rather than writing. All my podcast will be short-never more than 15 minutes. I will be talking about my own personal experiences on topics such as depression, anxiety, spirituality, emotional sobriety, parenting, and marriage to name a few. I have been very involved in A.A. for years (I am not an alcoholic, but I will share more on that soon) and one of their saying is that, "All we really have to offer to another who is struggling is sharing our Experience, Strength, and Hope". My vision is that as you listen to my podcasts, you will get value for yourself as I share my stories.