Meditation Peace - Guided Meditations Audio Podcast

Bushwalk meditation



The aim of this exercise is to change the habitual way we have walked in the past, and lift the habit into a meditation. A habit that will require no thought, we will just automatically and effortlessly slip into a meditation every time we walk. So while you read this, imagine you are walking, or download the exercise to your ipod or create a CD for yourself to use anytime. Please imagine yourself walking along a forest path, it's warm and the fragrances are fresh and inspiring. The sunlight is filtering its way through the leaves and the sounds of the birds are gently dancing in your ears. As you walk just allow yourself to feel the rhythm of your movement. Notice each breath. The rise and fall of your chest with the inflow and outflow of air. As you walk feel more and more that you are making no effort. That you are being powered by nature itself. As though there is a force that is feeding every leaf, every flower, every bird and that same force is powering you in your walking. Begin to feel that you are