

A mantra is a word or a phrase that is repeated over and over as a means of achieving focus and concentration for deep meditation. It can also be known as 'japa meditation'. The failsafe method of meditation is with mantras. No matter how much trouble you are having concentrating or getting time, a mantric meditation will always get you meditating quickly. It is also the easiest. You can use mantras during the day at any time (not necessarily out loud) to get centred. For example, at work, you might be sitting in a boring meeting & chanting quietly helps to remember your life’s goals (and keeps you awake). AUM is the most powerful mantra. It is able to reveal all the qualities of the soul. But choose a mantra you would like to use. Repeat it out loud or to yourself. Feel that the source of the mantra is in the deepest, inmost recesses of your heart and that you have to really focus, really concentrate to open the floodgates of that quality. Use the flow of your breath if you like to create the rhythm of