Meditation Peace - Guided Meditations Audio Podcast

Cliff Visualisation



Imagine yourself sitting on the edge of a cliff looking out across an ocean. It is just before the dawn on a warm summer’s morning. All around you is still and soundless. Just slivers of starlight sparkling off the waves below saves a pitch-blackness. A warm breeze drifts across the ocean and wafts up the face of the cliff and into your heart, and this breeze is not so much a movement of air but a feeling; a feeling of peace. As you focus out towards the horizon you notice the first purples and crimsons of the morning dawn spilling out across the sky. And you begin to get a feeling of the sunrise... Newness... Beauty... Warmth... Innocence... All the time the sunrise is changing - purples turning to crimsons, crimsons to oranges and yellows - the feeling of the sunrise intensifying, soaring across the vastness into your heart-breath. And now the sky above and behind you is being overwhelmed by the colour and feeling of the sunrise until the very air around you is tinged by the wondrous purple hue of t