Reader's Entertainment Radio

Talking Tech-nically Love & the Best Mr. Darcy on Readers Entertainment Radio



Happy Penguin Day friends! Get to know our guest, contemporary author, Michelle Dayton, lover of sexy and suspenseful novels. But that's not in her top three. Those high priorities are reserved for her family, the city of Chicago, and Mr. Darcy (both the Colin Firth and Matthew MacFadyen versions). When she's not writing, Michelle dreams of a year of world travel – as long as the trip would include weeks and weeks of beach time.  As a bourbon lover and unabashed wine snob, Michelle thinks heaven is discussing a good book over an adult beverage. Her latest book from her Tech-nically Love series, Scammer Girl is out now.  The first in the series is Disaster Girl and also available as well as her Tracy Brothers series. Stay in the know by signing up for her newsletter and following her on Twitter. _______ For those who are looking for great stickers, check out The Romancelandia Shop or follow them on Twitter and Instagram Want the recipe for the hot toddy we talked about today?  Try this one from M