Visual And Performing Arts Hs Podcast

Weekly Updates 1-23-22



LEGACY SH VAPA (323) 357-7531 1/23/22 Hello VAPA Community. This is Dr. Trimis. Hola, comunidad de VAPA.  Este es el Dr. Trimis. Monday is a Late-Start Day with Period 1 beginning at 9:30 am. As we move into our 3rd week of school, we continue to strive to provide a safe and COVID-free learning environment through extensive testing, monitoring, and promoting vaccinations. Please note we will have Coffee with the Principal (Zoom) on Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022, at 1 pm. We will review COVID Updates and Protocols and have some VAPA Updates. Meeting ID: 833 5509 5812    Passcode: 2022 We need all of our students to return textbooks and novels from their Fall classes except for Spanish classes. The textbooks are needed for the new students. Any textbooks and novels. Not returned will stay on student records and eventually will result in a fee if not returned. Thank you. We have still have space in our new California Cadet Corps program, open to any students during Zero Period and