Square Zeros

Square Zeros #17: MAYOR CREEP (The Misled, Dethryderz, The Norris Address, Spratt)



Mayor Creep is composed of four guys who came to it from far-flung, pop-oriented projects. Jeremy was (and is) in the beachier Air Waves; Alex Heigl made polished garage pop with Brother Reverend; Nick played with the hooky, lo-fi indie pop act Dinosaur Feathers; and Alex Gruenburg fronted the moodier power trio We Run. Anyone who's seen them live, or picked up their dynamite split cassette Krangnitas (with headbangers Hounds Basket) is sure to have questions. To understand how they came by their current brand of lightning-fast, super-tight, and often hilarious hardcore rants, you've got to dig deeper.