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The caveman approach to a healthy heart, body and life with Paleo Cardiologist Dr Jack Wolfson #18



Today we’re looking at the caveman approach to a healthy heart, body and life with a guest who's got a great story to tell. We dig deep into gluten. What's the deal with gluten? What are the probs? Why are so many people giving it up? How can doing so improve our energy and wellbeing? Also, if you suffer from Hay Fever, please do listen to today's episode. There are a whole load of natural methods for dealing with the streaming eyes, runny nose, and general stuffiness that Hay Fever brings on. My guest is Dr Jack Wolfson, the author of the Paleo Cardiologist. He was a conventional cardiologist, a Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation and a very successful heart doctor. But deep down, he was perhaps unsatisfied until he met his future wife, who came from a very different background. I’ll let him tell the story in the podcast, but together they formed a new approach to heart health. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Paleo, but just in case you’ve been living in the dark ages, (actually if you have you might know abo