Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Perfect posture with bestselling author and posture guru Esther Gokhale #27



As you listen to this, are you hunched over a smartphone? Crouched over a computer? Slumped in a chair, Curved over a table? Some of us sit up to 17 hours a day, which is pretty obviously not ideal, especially if you are sitting in the wrong position. Today’s Zestology guest might be able to help you with that. The New York Times calls her ‘the posture guru’. She is Esther Gokhale and the more we spoke, the more I realised how important good posture is for good health. I first heard her on a very inspirational TED talk - she was great so we got in touch and she agreed to come on Zestology. GUARANTEE. When you listen to today's show, you will start to rearrange yourself into all kinds of postural adjustments that will make you feel good. The posture of success. (I'm not sure if the posture of success is an actual thing but you know what I mean). When you listen you'll hear: Living with more energy Sitting with form [5:50] Restoring length in the body [15:14] Easy household items that can help you sit better [