Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Improving focus, productivity and creativity - Dr. Stephen Simpson #173



A chinwag with my old mate Dr. Stephen Simpson, all about focus and the problem of getting distracted by our phones. This is timely after I've probably spent a little too long instastorying this weekend. Studies prove that there's more to distract us than ever before. It can be hard to put down the phone or switch off the laptop, and the constant little dopamine hits we receive from notifications, likes, emails and more have a seriously negative effect on our lives. Our brains are all over the place.  So Dr. Stephen Simpson and I have tackled this problem head on in today's podcast. *Don't worry, after listening to this podcast you won't have your phone confiscated your smartphone for the next month. The idea is you can start to control your tech usage, rather than letting the tech control you.