Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Healthy living, natural skin, and being primal. (Plus why real men use clay masks) - Andy Hnilo #198



Covering healthy living, a natural way of life, and triumphing over adversity. He's the former Days of our Lives actor, Model and Skincare specialist who's founded Alitura, the skincare company. Why triumphing over adversity? Well, after a dreadful accident, a skincare specialist said to him: "You have the worst facial injury I have ever seen”  What we put on our skin, really does go in. So it's time to look at that. He's used natural products to help his skin and face recover, and I have become good friends with Andy. I started by asking, why's it so important to have natural stuff on our skin?