Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

100 ways to live to 100 (or at least 23 anyway) - Dr Roger Henderson #210



Secrets from the Blue Zone in today's podcast with Dr. Roger Henderson. Answering questions like this. What's the real truth about the Mediterranean diet? Can a drink (or two) be good for you? Which vitamins can help prolong your life? Does homeopathy work? Are you more tired than you should be. And loads more. Dr. Roger is a doctor, author, writer and media commentator on all things health related, as well as a all-round great guy. We even managed to fit in a bit of Brexit in this podcast (don't let that put you off...) If you like Zestology, you might want to sign up for the Zestology 3 Zesty Things newsletter here. You'll receive a short, concise email from me every Monday with all the latest gadgets, supplements, cutting-edge hacks, and observations for more energy and vitality.