Ng Digital Podcast Network

NG Meets...Nottingham Lions FC



Welcome to NG Meets... and we're celebrating the big 3-0, that's right it's episode 30, and yes it's a bit late but then all the days are starting to blend into one now anyways so I think we can be excused that mistake! We hope everyone is staying safe and following all the latest guidelines, and that everybody is doing all they can to look after themselves, physically and mentally, during this trying time, here is to hoping better things are not too far down the line. To help you pass the time we have a cracking episode this week as we are joined by members of Nottingham Lions Football Club, an LGBT+ friendly football club that play their games in Nottingham and were set up to offer a welcoming home to players no matter what their sexuality. In this episode we chat about the club, its history, the current success, some of the great trips and tours they have been on and the plans going forward. We also talk about the changing attitudes in football and how we have moved on, for the most part, from a time whe