Who's Listening With Leon Andrews

Respecting People's Television Beliefs



Today's guest is James, the founder of BlueScarf Games and we're discussing his origins, cons, and creator swoon. In this episode we talking about cons, where Star Trek series went, and how I forgot to deactivate a streaming service to get charged again. Breaking through the initial barrier to start a new venture/hobby whilst being economically responsible. James attempts to sweep me off my feet. Will I fall for his cunning seduction? Tune in and listen in! 7:20 CORRECTION Star Trek series are still available on Netflix at the time of this recording and post. 10:15 NOTE Construct is a game development software. Find out more by checking out their website: https://www.construct.net/en/ 13:05 NOTE To learn more what Student Optimum Services can do for you, please log onto their website: https://www.studentoptimumservices.com/ 15:35 CORRECTION It's Pony Tsunotori from My Hero Academia and the VA is Sara Wiedenheft. 15:45 CORRECTION The VA I'm trying to remember is Mark Whitten. 22:40 You can find the trailer for