Study Abroad Smarter

Brittney Rosiles & Mason Najima On Why USAC Is A Viable Option To Consider When Studying Abroad



“If you don’t see it for yourself, it doesn’t really happen.” - Mason Nagima  In this dual interview Mason Najima and Brittney Rosiles tells us about their trips to Spain and India, respectively. They did it through an organization called USAC, which stands for University Studies Abroad Consortium. They had an amazing time and their interview reflects that. As far as firsts go, they're the first University of Nevada - Reno students we've had on the show. If you want to hear about monkey attacks, missing an alarm, and getting out of your comfort zone this interview is for you, and in my opinion, encompasses what I wanted other students to hear when I decided to start the podcast. Brittney was kind enough to send me some great pics below and is the current Study Abroadcast leader in terms of donated study abroad pictures