Study Abroad Smarter

Botswana Bound with Lauren Goetze



This is now the third interview I've done with a student who studied abroad in this part of the continent, so they must be doing something right down there. The dollar stretches a lot further in Africa, which means you can do a lot more with less. What you want to do is up to you if you decide to go, but Lauren's interview is a pretty good example of what you can do.  You'll also find out why it's a bonus of if enjoy KFC. But that's just me digressing. Seriously though, The University of Botswana sounds amazing and so do the stories that Lauren tells in her interview.  If you've come this far you now know where Botswana is. You can learn more about the country in the infographic below.  A BIG thank you to Lauren for taking the time from her busy schedule at Drake to do the interview. Give her website a look to see what she's up to now.  "It always seems impossible until its done" — Nelson Mandela