Study Abroad Smarter

What It's Like To Meet With Your Study Abroad Advisor With Julio Castro



"I always tell students that studying abroad was the most defining thing of my college experience" — Julio Castro  I love when I have study abroad advisors on the show because they do a good job of getting students to take the plunge and study abroad. This episode is no different. Julio Castro did a great job of recollecting his time of Spain and Germany, respectively. He also reminisced about transitioning into his own job while he was still studying abroad, which is a very real concern for lots of students who study abroad towards the end of their college careers. SHOW NOTES  What was going through Julio's head prior to leaving for Spain [2:02] Why Julio picked to study abroad in Spain and Germany [3:43] The added travel that comes with Julio's position as a study abroad advisor [6:45] What it's like to miss a flight while you study abroad [8:22] Remembering the currywurst  [9:20] How studying abroad changed Julio's life [10:53] Why Julio chose the college he did (this is as good of