Study Abroad Smarter

What Happens When A Class Project Turns Into A Study Abroad Experience



The reason he went to Kenya  is actually because of a class project. With out giving away too much detail; the project dealt with water supply trying and how to improve the current process that takes place.  You'll have to listen to figure out the how and why. There are also two firsts in this episode: First: The first time I've interviewed someone who studied abroad in Kenya and... Second: The first time studying abroad affected the trajectory of someone's major Henry laid it all out like a blueprint, and if you listen, you can probably get a few pointers so you can make your study abroad experience stick out from all the others.  SHOW NOTES Henry's logical explanation for choosing to study abroad in Kenya [1:39] The philanthropic outcome of the water vests [4:07] The intricacy of Henry's project and study abroad [5:21] Getting a grant to help with the costs of the project [8:25] The exact length of Henry's project [9:23] Getting to know the ins & outs of Kenya [10:00] Mixing an