Study Abroad Smarter

South America, Central America, and Great Advice With Kim Diehl de Yanes



"Once you're out in the real world, and working, you might have more money, but you won't have more time " —  Kim Diehl de Yanes Kim did great in this episode, and made me feel like I was still in school, contemplating whether or not to study abroad in her office. Her story is unique, too, as she ended up living in Honduras for three years because of who she married.  I'll let Kim explain... SHOW NOTES  Getting her first international experience in high school through Michigan 4-H [1:19]  Going to Guayaquil, Ecuador  Living in Honduras for three years  Advice to students who are thinking about studying abroad [3:40]  FOMO (Fear Of Mission Out) Xavier's  study abroad programs   Semester program options  Regular Xavier tuition bill - costs dependent on the cost of living  Xavier specific study abroad programs [5:50] Spending her entire summer savi