Maria's Bathtime Musings

Is lack of visibility keeping you from getting booked?



Let's talk visibility.  Being visible and seen by potential bookers is vital to get you the speaking gigs you really want to be getting in 2022.  For many speakers it's their biggest challenge.  If it's something that you are struggling with today's video might help. If you've found this podcast useful you might find this week’s podcast interview, What Speakers can learn from Influencers with Gordon Glenister, very helpful too - Gordon Glenister is a membership and influencer marketing expert. Having led an industry body for 11 years in the promotional product sector, he launched his own consultancy to help trade associations and professional bodies with their strategy. Little did he know he would stumble on the influencer marketing sector. Since the launch of the Branded Content Marketing Association Influence division, Gordon has written a 300-page book on influencer marketing strategy, started his global influence podcast, interviewed some amazing b