Ever Vigilant

Hero Theory | Gideon, the Origin Story 2



In this episode, I break continue to break down the origin story of Gideon in the book of Judges verse six. Fear. Lies. Expectations of Others. These are three of the biggest challenges to abandoning average and uncovering the Hero within.I started out this year recording a podcast series on Gideon one of the heroes of the Bible.As I read through the story and meditated on it.I realized that Gideon took on these three challenges as well before becoming the Hero.Gideon-Fear- MidianitesLies- "My clan is the weakest and I am the least in my family.Expectations of Other- His family expected him to act as the youngest, keep quiet, help out, and conduct himself as the least of his brothers.As we progress thru this year I will continue to seek out Heroes to learn from.My suspicion is that these three challenges will become a pattern.If you are ready to abandon average, and uncover the hero within.Look at your fears, the lies that you tell yourself, and the expectations of others that are holding you back.Your family