

Disqualifications Continuing on with my new-shooter kick over the past month or so, this week I'm talking about the most common disqualifications are that I see at matches. 99% of disqualifications are for unsafe gun handling. The most common things I see are as follows: Sweeping the weak hand on the draw. This generally happens when someone is using the holster that shipped with their gun, as in my experience these holsters tend to be on the tight side. The shooter gets the make ready command, tries to pull the gun out of the holster and it doesn't come right out. They then reach across their body and grab the holster with their weak hand, pull the gun out, and then sweep their hand with the muzzle in the process: Breaking the 180. I asked on the Triangle Tactical Instagram and Facebook pages about the most common disqualifications at matches, and breaking the 180 was OVERWHELMINGLY the most common thing suggested. Table starts. The biggest thing here is this: Don't take your gun out of the holster until