Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Mark Richards & The Wasatch Way



Mark Richards, the owner of Wasatch Recovery, and Wendy Smart McCarter, our Clinical Director, join us today for another episode of The Wasatch Way.  Wendy is one of the reasons why Wasatch Recovery is the BEST!    In this episode, Mark and Wendy, discuss the real definition of addiction. “Addiction is the perpetual avoidance of legitimate suffering.”  It is s one of the many powerful principles Wendy teaches our clients.     Mark and Wendy also discuss how setting boundaries is crucial for anyone’s success in recovery.  It’s eye-opening how setting boundaries is a form of self-love.   If you or if someone you know is feeling alone, lost, and not connected this episode is a must-listen.    ... #connection #addiction #boundaries #mentalhealth #reccovery #recovered #overcome #hope #wasatchrecovery #beliefcast #tsinspires   You can connect with Wasatch here:  801-898-7778