Disney Marvels

Episode 160 - A Moment for Disney's Magical Express



With the end of Disney’s Magical Express this week I only found it appropriate to talk about this much beloved service.  Join me as I reminisce and give a brief history of this complimentary service provided by the Walt Disney Company. Have you ridden the Magical Express, if so what are some of your fondest memories of it?  Let us know and follow us on the social feeds: Facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/DisneyMarvelsPodcast ), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/Disney_Marvels_Podcast/),  Twitter (@DisneyMarvels) TikTok (@Disneymarvelspodcast) and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_FB7pEoXc2TBQ39EBkFOhw) , you can email the show with your thoughts or suggestions at DisneyMarvels@gmail.com , or you can leave a voice message through the anchor.fm app or anchor.fm/DisneyMarvels website. Check out the latest postings on the Disney Marvels Blog: https://disneymarvels.blogspot.com/ Be sure to share, rate, and become a premium subscriber at https://anchor.fm/disneymarvels/support And/o