Building Abundant Success!!© With Sabrina-marie

Episode 2227: Rohulamin Quander ~ From 1684, George Washington, The White House to Now, What a Legacy!



The White House, Smithsonian, NY Times Washington Post, PBS Have featured the Quander Families nearly 340 Year Roots BEFORE the forming of the United States of America to Now.This Week I Look at Highlight of the AmQuando Families Journey & Present Day Walk in AmericaMy Guest is Rohulamin Quander, a native Washingtonian, is a retired Senior Administrative Law Judge for the District of Columbia. He is also a member of the Quander Family whose distinguished history in the Washington, D.C. area is traced to the 1670s, which legacy includes Mount Vernon Plantation ancestors Sukey Bay, Nancy Carter Quander, and West Ford, among others, all of whom were in involuntary service to George Washington. Judge Quander periodically serves as an advisor to Mount Vernon, most recently in the exhibit, Lives Bound Together, Slavery at George Washington’s Mount Vernon, and still maintains close ties. He often serves as a guest lecturer on African American History.A double graduate from Howard University, from which he receiv