St. Luke Columbus

Hidden Wisdom, Part 2: The Wisdom of the Cost // Steve Brown



God’s wisdom for our lives is the cost of dying so that we will be able to love God and others.   Everything in what Jesus taught and the way Jesus lived and died reveals the hidden wisdom of God for our lives – to die to ourselves so that we will be able to love God above all else and to love others as Jesus loves us. One cannot be raised to a new life without first dying. This hidden wisdom of God is upside down and backward from the “wisdom” of the world. It is the message of the cross which is foolishness to those who yet do not know Jesus.   Next step: Identify one bit of the world’s “wisdom” that you are relying on more than you should. Put it in its proper place of your priorities. Recommit yourself to trust in the message of the cross above the wisdom of this world.   Subscribe to stay updated with the latest content. Follow St Luke Lutheran Church: YouTube Instagram Facebook Website