Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

118: 3 Fitness Tips Rarely Shared. The Best Way to Start Out When You’re Starting Out. | (Lowering the Bar Series (Part 3)



When it comes to fitness, weight loss, changing your outlook on body image, setting goals for the new year, etc. there are so many things we need to UNlearn. When we are open to relearning and doing things OPPOSITE from what we’ve been taught (over the decades for some of us) that’s when we set forward motion to get to the next step. Join me in closing off the Lowering the Bar series. My hope is that you will choose to walk away from the former things. Because going harder, doing more, and “no pain no gain” is contrary to the failsafe formula that leads to good health and godly stewardship of our bodies. Tune in with an open mind and shoot me an email message to share with me what you are planning to apply from this episode! Stay Courageous & Fit, Jaclyn Obsessing about your weight and unhappy being in your skin? Do you hate what you see when you look in the mirror? Constantly jumping from diet to diet? Maybe starvation mode is normal to you. And bullying yourself with mean sayings such as I’m fat and I