Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

6 Healthy Habits That May Be Hurting Your Thyroid (From the salt you use to eating gluten-free)



Are these 6 healthy habits accidentally hurting your thyroid? It can be tough figuring out what works for you as a thyroid patient, especially when some healthy habits may actually have a negative impact on your thyroid. Certain foods, including gluten-free foods, may actually block the uptake of iodine into your thyroid gland! Before we jump in, don't let this information confuse you. Healthy habits are still great for your thyroid but these are things you should be aware of. See this list of healthy habits that may have detrimental effects on thyroid function: 1. Using Himalayan pink salt and Celtic sea salt These types of salt are great to use but they do not contain iodine. It's not a problem if you use them but just make sure that you are also getting enough iodine in for your thyroid gland from other sources. 2. Eating too many green vegetables (without complementary iodine intake) Green vegetables are great for your overall health but they do have a goitrogenic impact on your thyroid. You can