Humanity Matters Podcast

EPISODE 597 - How Poor People Get Rich



How Poor People Get Rich. There are many ways, but unless you're ready to listen to your mentors, partners, instructors it won't happen. First off let me shock you here and now in this description. I LOVE YOU!!! Yes, in a spiritual or cosmic way I LOVE YOU!!! That said I really do love you, humanity, animals, God, I don't say who's God is the true God because I love all people non - believers and believers alike. That said I want you to be RICH!!! Can you do it? Yes, if you will work for it. Step 1 listen to this podcast. Step 2 Go to each site study them, read, watch listen 412-559-2731 http:// My site that contains content in text, audio and video which is funny, sad, entertaining and more. Http:// Explains about the streaming box and more. The streaming box and how to join for free and earn income. http:/ Where you cna buy the VStream 2 Media Center and watch free tel