Black Man With A Gun

What is the best gun for a woman?



What is the Best Gun for A Woman?   Happy New Year.  This episode is to make you think.   What is the best gun for a woman/female? Fascism  First Amendment Beware of the mob mentality/ group think. I got off topic a little talking about the PC terms of woman or female.  It does relate though to the topic.  I am not trying to offend or trigger you, if this is a touch point but I want to be honest with who I am.   I remember the days when firearms instructors would tell women what type of firearms they thought best. These guys would not do well In todays gun culture.  It was the culture to be sexist, homophobic, and/or racist.   While I am getting my self in all kinds of trouble let me say this unapologetically that I tip my hat, applaud and appreciate all the women, Gay, Lesbian and Trans friends that are around my age plus or minus 20 years that are in the gun movement.  You have managed to get proficient and survive in a culture I didn’t realize was as bad as it was.  As a person of color, a black guy, neg