Hello, Creeps!

Hello, Creeps! Episode 139: Closing the Puzzle Box (FINAL EPISODE)



This is the end. Join the original Creeps trio for one last journey into the world of weird discussions and inevitable talk about dicks, nu metal, and intercourse with amphibians. If you've listened to this show for any amount of time, that sentence should not come as any sort of surprise to you. Come reminisce with us on the last few fun years of the show that you were apart of just as much as we were. We love each and every one of you, whether you interacted with us through social media, sent us cool stuff, or simply clicked download even once. It's been a pleasure to (hopefully) have made you all laugh and bring even a sliver of a bright spot to your days. We were just three best friends who wanted to sit down in front of a microphone and do what we would have done even if one weren't present. We were lucky enough to walk away with a lot of love and support too. So sit back and laugh with us one last time, except if you're on Stitcher where you'll be sitting down with us sometime in 2023 probably.  Good ev