Cues Podcast

CUES 85: State of Credit Union Governance 2020—An Interview With Michael Daigneault, CCD, and Matt Fullbrook



Credit union boards are becoming more interested in whether their composition mirrors that of their memberships. And their memberships are becoming more diverse with time. So, it’s not surprising that more than half of the respondents to the survey for the new State of Credit Union Governance 2020 report said they’re looking for demographic diversity. This and many other governance topics are discussed in this most recent episode of the CUES Podcast.“This signals a bit of a shift,” says Michael Daigneault, CCD, founder and president of CUES strategic provider for governance Quantum Governance, Herndon, Virginia, and a co-author of the study. “Traditionally, we’d often hear financial literacy, ability to understand the financials …. Of course, some kind of specific operational expertise and financial expertise or professional services expertise can be quite handy. But this year we heard something that we think is very important ... the No. 1 response from folks all across the country was that they were looking