Pcw: Pop!-cast Wrestling

PCW: PoP!-Cast Wrestling - Episode 56



Another episode already. Just to brighten Mahoney's week. We love you, man. "The Internet Wrestling Geek Prodigy" Kelly Harrass and "The Once and Future King of Useless Information" Michael Melchor are back slightly earlier than expected to talk RAWlternative. We run down the stream and discuss which performers, companies, and moments made us glad we didn't bother with Raw. Plus, some discussion on NJPW/CMLL FantasticaMania and upcoming shows to look forward to - including one from CZW?! Plus a new segment: The Awesomeness Of. Opening Theme: The NEW PCW Theme! Closing music: Kanye West - Hell of a Life (Ethan Page's entrance music) PCW. AKA The Butternuts Show. Note: This and every PoP!-Cast is earmarked by iTunes as explicit and is intended for mature audiences. The rest of Panels on Pages is reasonably safe for all-ages.