The Twilight Highlight Zone

Twilight Highlight Zone - Season 3, Episodes 1-5



<img alt="" border="0" src="" /> And we're back! We're now heading into the third season of the Twilight Zone, which is already providing some surprises – including an appearance from a dreamy young Charles Bronson. If you're just tuning in, my friend Ben Hanson and I are watching the entire run of the Twilight Zone and chatting about them in five-episode blocks. We just wrapped up season two with our annual Franklin Awards, and we're not wasting any time getting the third season started. You can subscribe to and review our show on iTunes, and we encourage listeners to watch along for free on Hulu and let us know what they think in the comments. Here are the episodes discussed in this edition of the show: Two The Arrival The Shelter The Passersby A Game of Pool