The Twilight Highlight Zone

Twilight Highlight Zone - The Franklins For Season 5



<img alt="" border="0" src="" />Well we may have run out of new episodes of the original Twilight Zone, but that can't stop us from recording our dumb voices. Jeff Cork and I are capping off the fifth and final season of the show with our prestigious awards show. Which episodes will we hold above our heads and celebrate and which will we cast down into the dirt, forever to be forgotten? What is the best machine from the fifth season? Which episode's plot is needlessly complicated? Which great episode gets royally screwed due to our arbitrary rules? Find out by listening to the podcast below and feel free to subscribe to us on iTunes. Don't forget that we're on the hunt for new categories for our next episode, which will be an awards show for the entire five seasons. It's going to be a monster. Feed us your ideas in the comments below.