The Twilight Highlight Zone

Twilight Highlight Zone - A Deep Dive Into A Most Unusual Camera



<img alt="" border="0" src="" />Surprise, here's a new episode of The Twilight Highlight Zone with Jeff Cork and Ben Hanson! Years ago, we hosted this podcast where we debated and dissected each and every episode of the classic TV show The Twilight Zone and now we've come back from the dead to give you a most unusual new episode. We were contacted by Brandon Cruz, who hosts another Twilight Zone podcast called Submitted For Your Approval, and he asked us if we'd want to record a cross-over episode where we take a closer look at the episode A Most Unusual Camera. Since Jeff Cork and I had zero strong feelings about the episode, we couldn't resist another look. We hope you enjoy this fun episode, and be sure to check out Brandon's podcast or just send him some thanks over Twitter. Also, check out our ongoing other podca