Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

How To Properly Lose Fat And Build Muscle With Supersets (EXPLAINED)



Join Our New Workout App For $1 Today: On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to properly lose fat and build muscle with supersets. I’ll also be covering what a superset, tri-set, giant set, and circuits are, including their benefits, and how to properly use them in your workouts. What Are The Benefits From Superset Training? If you’re like most people, you don’t have a lot of time to waste. Therefore, it’s important to get more work done, in less done, during your workouts. If that sounds good to you, you need to be incorporating supersets into your workouts. Superset training is one of the best training methods we incorporate into our programs to: - Increase fat burning - Burn more calories in less time - Build muscle to get stronger - Improve overall fitness and conditioning Not only are you building muscle and getting stronger, since the rest periods are limited, it also keeps your heart rate elevated, similar to a traditional cardio workout. This is why super