Your Voice Of Encouragement

Prayer For Mothers



When things threaten to overwhelm us and we Mothers are not quite sure how we should proceed, we must each decide to lay aside every weight of fear and anxiety and press on.  We must never quit because the source of our strength is the joy of the LORD. Like JESUS, we must be passionate about GOD’S business and enjoy doing what GOD has called us to do!  As we continue to learn the lessons of humility, kindness, selflessness and grow in our commitment of excellence in everything we do, know that we serve GOD by nurturing the babies, children, teenagers, young adults, and adults that see us as mother , godmother, foster mother, mother-in-law and grandmother.   We must not shrink back from what GOD has planned for us even if it means taking tiny baby steps and making small victories.  We keep moving forward because we now know that there is still much to accomplish! “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you;” Isaiah 66:13, CEB