Your Voice Of Encouragement

Prayer Champions Healing Prayer



We can read testimonies from the Old & New Testament about those who were sick and suffering in pain.  From Job, Hezekiah, the Shunammite Woman’s Son, Lazarus, Peter’s Mother in Law and Dorcas, they all suffered in acute pain and needed healing. We must remember that there is nothing too hard for GOD. Even in pain, we can pray for deliverance for ourselves and as Prayer Champions, we can stand in the gap and pray for healing for someone else. Today as we pray for healing, we are going to use our authority to bind and loose. According to Matthew 18:18, We know “Assuredly, whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Therefore we are specifically asking for healing and binding physical pain by the authority we have through Christ. We Binding it through this prayer so that acute pain no longer torments us, and our loved ones.