Victory Condition Gaming

Salvage Union RPG Interview with Aled Lawlor and Panayiotis Lines, Leyline Press



Salvage Union (@salvageunion) is a post-apocalyptic mech tabletop roleplaying game powered by the Quest RPG and published by Leyline Press You play as a rag-tag group of Mech Pilots who make ends meet by salvaging scrap within a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Your pilots, as well as their entire ecosystem and community, live on a huge ship-like mech known as a Union Crawler. You range out of this crawler on your scrap-built mechs to tackle the denizens of the wasteland in a constant hunt for salvage to upgrade and survive. Join us for an interview with the creators of Salvage Union - Aled Lawlor and Panayiotis Lines from Leyline Press. You can learn more about Salvage Union on the Kickstarter here: You can download the Salvage Union Quickstart and try it for yourself from Leyline Press' website here: You can stay up to date with VCG at: