Game Of Love With Jessica Smith

AFTER DARK #3 - An “Open” Conversation on Polyamory to Satisfy Your Curiosity with Rachel Overvoll



With all the confusion and curiosity around open, polyamorous, and ethically nonmonogamous relationships we brought in Somatic Sex & Intimacy Coach and author Rachel Overvoll to discuss the different types of relationships that exist under the umbrella that is polyamory.  Enjoy this spicy, unadulterated conversation on stepping into this lifestyle as well as broaching this tricky subject with your partner(s) as you prioritize your own sexual desires. The ladies might make you blush with their unfiltered confessions! And they just might inspire you with the level of openness they’re willing to partake in within their own relationships. Be sure to check out our NEW show: Game of Love AFTER DARK! This hot and spicy show gives you raw, inclusive, educational and entertaining shows on sexual topics ranging from porn, kinks, fetishes, BDSM, masturbation, and so much more. Join us as we explore the versions of ourselves that we present to the world and the sexual proclivities that drive us. We believe in no