Breathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast

Anthropologist Dr. Robert Corruccini on Why We Have Crooked Teeth (And How This Relates To Sleep Apnea)



In this program, I interview Dr. Robert Corruccini, anthroplologist and author of How Anthropology Informs the Orthodontic Diagnosis of Malocclusion’s Causes (Edwin Mellen Press). We’re going to talk about why modern humans have crooked teeth, and how this relates to smaller  jaw sizes and smaller upper airways. In particular, you’ll learn: - When did humans begin to experience a lot of occlusal problems? - What kind of genetic and environmental factors can cause malocclusion? - How does Dr. Corruccini’s work compare and contrast to Dr. Weston Price’s work? - Is it true that even a few hundred years ago, humans didn’t have as many impacted wisdom teeth? - What are some of the health consequences of crooked teeth? - Has modern dentistry helped or hurt our teeth and our health? - For those of use with dental crowding already, what can we do? What can we do for our children?