Middle School Matters

MSM 530: I’ve Been To China, No TikTok for Me



MSM 530: I’ve Been To China, No TikTok for Me Summary: Troy and Shawn talk about coffee, how to help students study, and much more. Dave goes all nuclear with RadioChemists. Jokes: Middle School Science Minute by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or davidbydlowski@mac.com) RadioChemists I was recently reading the November/December 2021 issue of “The Science Teacher” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association. In this issue, I read the section, “Career of the Month” which featured an article on Radiochemistry. It was written by Luba Vangelova. Radiochemists study radiation from an atomic and molecular perspective and find ways to harness the power of radioactive chemical reactions. The radiochemist featured is Catherine Riddle, senior research scientist, at the Idaho National Laboratory. http://k12science.net/radiochemist/ Reports from the Front Lines The Twitterverse #mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. And as Troy says, “The Twitter never stops!” Strategies: Re