Maria's Bathtime Musings

Is it time to change your topic?



When was the last time you re-evaluated your speaking topic?  Have you ever changed it or do you find the thought of it just too daunting? Listening to what is going on in the market, what your clients and target audience need and then tweaking or changing your speaking topic could set you up for a successful speaking business. If you've found this podcast useful you might find this week’s podcast interview, Transforming our Speaking with Philipp Kristian, very helpful too - Philipp Kristian is pioneering human transformation for good. He’s a global TEDx speaker, voice of Gens Y to Z and author of RESET and The Trust Economy. He has been driving innovation and digital transformation for Fortune 500s in APAC and working with CEOs of Singapore’s most successful start-ups on reimagining entire industries. He was a founding member of MetLife’s first global R&D hub, naming it lumenlab and setting a precedent for the industry. He is deeply passionate about p