The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

350 - "Don't Call Me Professor", Why I Don't Like Fancy Titles in Jiu-Jitsu and Martial Arts



I know people mean well but here's why I don't like them calling me 'Professor' or 'Sifu' or 'Sensei' or 'Guru' or 'Master' or 'Shihan' or 'Kru' or 'Sabom' Or 'Kwisatz Haderach'... So if we ever meet on the street, at an airport or in a gym please call me 'Stephan'! There's an inherent danger when lofty titles are used to amplify an already reflexive obedience towards the instructor in a martial arts setting, which is often a hierarchical environment with pseudo-spiritual overtones. Remember, everybody poops, including your professor grandmaster sifu instructor! If you have the inclination I'd be honored if you check out my latest instructional, The Omoplata 2.0 at