1mflourish's Podcast

Caring For A Loved One With Dementia with Dr. David C. Weisman MD



Dementia is a disease / condition that is characterized by a decline in memory, language, problem-solving, and other thinking skills. This condition will affect a person's ability to perform everyday activities such as memory loss. Is Alzheimer's the most common cause of dementia? Dementia is a very broad word and all it means is having a cognitive problem that makes one unable to carry out previous activities that can be difficulty with doing finances or calculating a tip, missing appointments, unable to drive without getting lost. Anything that changes you cognitively could do that. That could be a traumatic brain injury or a stroke could make one demented, so the word is so broad, it's almost vacuous. What most people are talking about when they talk about dementing diseases is Alzheimer's disease, so Alzheimer's disease is this specific kind of dementia like a Rose is a kind of flower. Alzheimer's is a kind of dementia. It accounts for about 80% of all dementias and we can ma