No Bull

Our 22 goals for 2022



Hello from Paris! We chat about our Christmas in Paris and my eczema outbreak before going into our 2022 goals. We each share 11 goals/things we'd like to do in 2022. Joseph’s 11: Go on a weekend trip to Loire vineyard  Go on a weekend trip to Madrid with Manley Go on a weekend trip with Margot and Hubert  Set up our LISA investment strategy  Decide on where to buy an apartment (which city) Get a new fucking mattress Go on a holiday trip with cousins  Get married  Scuba dive, for christ’s sake Go swimming at least once a week Spend a weekend in Toulouse with Daniel and Elena  Anna's 11: Run a marathon (ideally a world's major) Get legally married and convert my visa to a spouse visa Go to Scotland or Ireland Reach 2000 YT subscribers (and get a new camera as a result) Do a winery tour in France Be more consistent on Instagram  Be able to hold a basic convo in French - take lessons?  Try acupuncture Start incorporating more gymnastics into my workouts Network more with vegan Londoners - maybe colla