Human Resources For Small Business

Conversations Worth Having with Cheri Torres & Jackie Stavros



Are your communication efforts moving you forward and or are they keeping you stuck in a negative loop? Find out in this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, where Brandon Laws interviews Cheri Torres and Jackie Stavros, coauthors of Conversations Worth Having. The three discuss eye-opening tips for recognizing negative communication patterns and having meaningful conversations that move you and your team forward. TAKEAWAYS Everything we do revolves around conversation either with others or ourselves. The conversations we have either move us in the direction we want to go or keep us stuck in a loop of negativity. Our conversations affect our wellbeing, our productivity, and our engagement. Appreciative Inquiry engages us around what we want to see and where we want to go; it’s about the outcome rather than traditional problem-solving centered around fixing the root of the issue. When we come from a place of destructive, depreciative conversations, we put people in protect-mode and hinder effectiv