Life Over Pain

Life Over Pain - Sameer Bhide - Eastern and Western Medicines in Harmony Help to Heal



Sameer Bhide's life was on track.  Family, friends, career, many interests to pursue.  Then one day, out of no where, his brain says, "Stop!" A stroke.  A genetic condition caused his stroke so there wasn't really much he could have done to prevent it.  So now he had to deal with the aftermath.  A month in a medically induced coma left hime a bit bewildered, at a loss as he awoke to a completely new situation, one where he couldn't talk or move most of his body. On the surface it's hard to see it now, but in many ways he was lucky. He had his cognitive function, he had his family and friends around him. and he had good medical care to help him process his situation. Not everyone has that many factors in the plus column.  Sameer made the most of his rehab services here in the states and he made good progress.  And on top of that foundation, he then added an extended stay at a facility in India call Nimba. there he continued with the therapy he was doing in the US and he added medi