Merry Podcast

The Baby



The Baby of Bethlehem is the topic of this very personal episode of the Merry Little Podcast. We sing of Him in song and celebrate the Nativity as a part of every Christmas - but why? Based on this sincere question from a listener we discuss the tender mercies of Christmas and the effect it has on the living and the dead. How does one without faith makes sense of it all? Our listener celebrates the season year round, enjoys great traditions of family and joy, and yet cannot connect the merriment to the manger. He wants to understand without the preachy demands of church. So we explore why The Baby is Christmas in simple, fundamental terms of truth. We find that in these hard times The Baby is more relevant and important than ever. What fascinates the most is that they knew He was coming. His birth was anticipated like no other and that theme of anticipation has carried over to our modern celebrations of Christmas thousands of years later. But how can we celebrate Him in the shadow of Santa, Chri